Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tips on Overnight Skin Treatment

To maintain a healthful appearance, it's important to treat your skin properly at the end of the day. Follow these useful tips to be on your way to beautiful skin!

Here are some of the highlights of the proper night-time skin care:

Make sure to remove makeup! Clean your face with a gentle soap, as leaving makeup residue can clog your pores and lead to breakouts.

Moisturize - both facial skin and body. Apply lotion to freshly washed skin before going to bed. Moist skin absorbs your moisturizing lotion better. Make sure the type of lotion is appropriate for your skin type and the season.

Overnight is the perfect time to treat any breakouts you might have. After cleansing off all makeup, apply a small amount of spot treatment to the blemish and let the ointment do its work while you rest!

Wearing cotton gloves to bed - after applying a hydrating lotion - can keep the skin on your hands looking beautiful and smooth. You can use the same method to treat your foot skin by wearing socks to bed after applying lotion to your feet. Your feet will feel smooth the next morning.

These simple tips can help you in maintaining healthy and beautiful skin at all times.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Skin Care Terms - Explained

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Just posted a new article on our website, explaining the most commonly used Skin Care Terms.
If you've ever wondered what all those terms mean on skin care products, this article is for you.

Here is a short summary on what we'll cover in this post:

Alpha and Beta Hydroxy Acids are commonly found in cleansers, exfoliants and lotions. They help remove dead skin cells. At-home peels with AHAs, such as glycolic acid, can decrease brown spots and smooth fine lines over the time.
Be aware that they also increase the skin's sensitivity to sun exposure, so make sure to use sunblock SPF 15 or higher.

Antioxidants are substances that protect your skin against free radicals - the molecules that cause your skin to age prematurely. Free radicals are generated by exposure to the sun and other environmental stressors.
One of the most commonly known antioxidant is Vitamin C.

Botanicals are plant-based extracts that have healing properties. Some of these botanicals are Chamomile and Fewerfew. They can decrease puffiness around the eyes and reduce redness.

Fruit Enzymes are used in cleansers, masks and more. These can slough away dead skin cells, decreasing dullness.

Peptides are the building blocks of proteins, which may be able to help stimulate collagen production and prevent breakdown - thus preventing fine lines - when applied topically.

Retinol is a Vitamin A derivative and it has been shown to prevent and improve the appearance of wrinkles. It's very sensitive to air and sunlight, so always look for products that come in a foil tube with a small mouth.

Proven Skin Care Tips To Keep You Looking Young

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In our previous post, we’ve discussed the importance of a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced, nutritious diet, regular exercise, sufficient amount of water intake and reducing stress.

Other skin care tips include using jojoba oil or coenzyme Q10 to reduce wrinkles and protect your skin. Jojoba oil is a very versatile oil that can be used to reduce wrinkles, relax stretch marks, and provide moisture to dry, cracked skin. It is also very similar to some of the oils naturally produced by the skin, so it is tolerated well by the body. Jojoba oil is very high in vitamin E, which is known to be an antioxidant that can help protect the skin from damage.

Coenzyme Q10 is another popular anti-wrinkle ingredient. It is mostly used for its antioxidant properties, which protect the skin cells from free radicals. Free radicals are continually generated by the body’s metabolic processes and will break down the structure of the cell. Since they are always being created by the body, a daily antioxidant is necessary to keep free radicals under control.

By following these easy skin care tips, you will find yourself looking younger each day . Stay consistent in following them and look for anti-wrinkle products containing the ingredients listed above to make sure you are getting a quality product, that will help you protect yourself from the signs of premature aging.